Unity Tech

Integrating Unity In-App Purchases (IAP) with Unity for Android and iOS

Integrating Unity In-App Purchases (IAP) with U...

Set up and integrating Unity IAP1) Install 'In App Purchasing' (com.unity.purchasing) package from Unity Registry in Package Manager.2) Importย our custom scripts & prefabs here. Initialise Unity Gaming Services1) Drag theย _IAPInit.prefab...

Integrating Unity In-App Purchases (IAP) with U...

Set up and integrating Unity IAP1) Install 'In App Purchasing' (com.unity.purchasing) package from Unity Registry in Package Manager.2) Importย our custom scripts & prefabs here. Initialise Unity Gaming Services1) Drag theย _IAPInit.prefab...

Using Google AdMob (Mobile Ads SDK) Unity Plugin to Serve Google Mobile Ads on Android and iOS Games

Using Google AdMob (Mobile Ads SDK) Unity Plugi...

Import the Mobile Ads for Unity Plugin1) Download the 'GoogleMobileAds-v9.1.0.unitypackage'.2) Import the '.unitypackage' file by selecting the Unity menu option Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and import all...

Using Google AdMob (Mobile Ads SDK) Unity Plugi...

Import the Mobile Ads for Unity Plugin1) Download the 'GoogleMobileAds-v9.1.0.unitypackage'.2) Import the '.unitypackage' file by selecting the Unity menu option Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and import all...

Integrating Firebase (Google) Analytics with Unity for Android and iOS

Integrating Firebase (Google) Analytics with Un...

Import the Firebase Analytics Unity Plugin1) Download the FirebaseAnalytics-12.0.0.unitypackage 2) Import the .unitypackage file by selecting the Unity menu option Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and import all...

Integrating Firebase (Google) Analytics with Un...

Import the Firebase Analytics Unity Plugin1) Download the FirebaseAnalytics-12.0.0.unitypackage 2) Import the .unitypackage file by selecting the Unity menu option Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and import all...